Website Revamp 2.0


While we're all hunkering down and waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel (and it's coming! We see it!), Shop Admin has noticed a few issues with the website. 

As many of you know, we're a 2 person team that started this whole business venture as volunteers for our local anime convention nearly a decade ago. We've honed our craft through many years, many mistakes (Convention Horror Stories is a blog post I've tossed around in my head here and there), and many many rounds of gaming. As such, we're more knowledgeable of a good board game than we are of marketing or SEOs or other internet buzzwords we have to look up. 

We're very proud that this little venture even has a website, which as of last year seemed an intangible dream. There were many nights plinking away in front of our computer screens to just take stock of everything, how best to sort everything, and trying to take slightly blurry professional photos of our products. In our excitement, we may not have optimized how we presented the games and trinkets we love. 

We're going to be fixing that soon, adding more descriptions, and alongside a few graphical upgrades and restocks we're very excited to be able to utilize selling Pokémon singles! 

On top of that, we're going to be adding some very exciting conventions to the calendar! (Of course, not anytime super soon.) 

Thank you for joining our small team on this wild ride. We appreciate every sale, everyone that stopped by our booth just to talk about their D&D character, or even just a small smile and nod our way to show we're not majorly messing this up. 

Happy Holidays, stay safe, and let's end this ridiculous year on a high note. 

- <3 Shop Admin 

P.S. Thank you to Binder POS for helping us set up a gaming-centric site. We promise to not bother you guys so much while we're awake and you're asleep on the other side of the world. 

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